
Hey there, glad you stopped by.

My name is Katharine, but some folks around here call me Kata or Kat or even K.
I’m an artist and film & TV editor based in Toronto, Canada.

Follow Your Nose is my blog about all the things I follow – dreams, the creative impulse, trails of sunlight.

I take and make lots and lots of pictures. You can find more HERE.

back looking out

Bright blessings to you and your day,


© Katharine Asals. Unauthorized use and/or duplication without permission from this blog’s author is prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katharine Asals with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. In other words: please do not reproduce images without asking – asking is so easy… Thanks!

116 thoughts on “About”

  1. Lovely blog and beautiful mission statement! Your shared thoughts really resonated with me. Look forward to following along on your journey! Have a wonderful weekend!


    1. Mary, thanks so much for your comment! And I see you are a television person also – wonderful to connect on a non-TV plane 🙂

  2. So nice to have found your blog. We are two moms who have children in college and youngest about to enter 11th grade. I worked in the tv industry, too. Looking forward to reading Follow your nose.

  3. Actually, I find Toronto has gotten way cooler over the years – it’s grown a bit of grit. And I notice when I’ve been away in other Canadian towns and then come back to Toronto, how truly multi-cultural it has become….

    1. Yah, I recognized the jab at Toronto from my years in Montreal – when I lived there I would tell people I was American cause being American seemed to at least offer some exoticism.

  4. Good to have a place where you can express yourself in a more relaxed way that in the present media industry. Happy to make your acquaintance, Kat! …”the mysteries of the universe and fluctuations in the weather” – yes, that is how it presents itself a lot of the time, isn’t it? Deep revelations mixed in with taking out the garbage 🙂 looking forward to exploring more of you blog ~ ♥ Tomas

  5. Bright blessings to you Katalina! Have nominated you for a Liebster Award because I love how you find magic in little things in life! Please do collect it when you have some time from here: http://wp.me/p2x7VR-oM. And I look forward to reading your answers to my questions!

    1. Aalif! Such a sweetie you are! Am just on my way out of town, so will be a few days before I respond, but will definitely do it. And looking forward to checking out the other blogs on your list.
      xo Kat

  6. Hello Kata. Thanks for the visit and follow. You’ve such a wonderful blog I’d like to explore and follow ardently. Hope to see more of you around my corner.

    1. Uzoma, I was delighted to happen upon your blog this morning – I think it was a wordpress generated suggestion. The first thing I saw was your post about the kola nut proverb and ceremony, and as for the past week I’ve been reading Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart (I know it is old, I’m embarrassed to be so far behind in my reading) but there are of course endless references to kola nuts, something just a little foreign to a Canadian winter, and I’ve been away and had almost no internet access, so could not complete the image in my mind and….well then there you are with kola nuts first up and your beautiful spare writing style. Following is my pleasure. Kat

      1. Aw, that’s the nicest thing I’ve heard in a while now about the late Achebe (he passed away a few weeks ago). I read Things Fall Apart while I was still a boy. Achebe,an Igbo (like me), portrayed most of the Igbo culture in his book and also about the advent of the white man. His book is one of the important books used in literature in Africa. Kola nuts, on the other hand, are good. They are used in certain beverages. Thanks for commenting on my writing too. My pleasure following you.

  7. Hello Katalina, following our intuition is a must- and happy to meet you, thank you so much for pressing the follow button on Dreamwalke’s Sanctuary, I look forward to dropping back to read some of your posts…
    Blessings ~Sue

  8. I have always had gut instincts and “feel” what the right and wrong thing to do is, physically in my stomach and spiritually as well. I never realized that everyone didn’t feel that way. So glad I found your post, glad you found mine.Blessings to you from Laurie at Hibernationnow.wordpress.com

  9. Kat, I like you in spite of your Canadianianianness… kidding. Thanks for the great conversations on Twitter and blog world. You’re a great writer, so please don’t stop.


  10. I really like your blog and the topics you talk about. More importantly I like the energy ad n enthusiasm about life nad living that seems to come through your post/ Hi Five for being so cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Five back MMMFP! So glad you came by and gave yourself a tour. Stop in again any time. I’ve just started perusing your site and will do more again soon… Kat

  11. Katalina es uno de los nombres que más me gustan para una mujer. Mi hija se llama así, Kata…, su nombre tiene relación con una isla de Brasil donde yo solía pasar muchas temporadas. Visite tu blog y puedo apreciar que tienes muchas fotografías de bellas flores…, además es diferente a otros blogs, espero visitarte a menudo…
    Un saludo desde el sur del continente…

  12. Hello – i just discovered your blog – from my reader recommendations – the nose caught my attention – I am currently stuffy and sneezing. your photos are beautiful and your ‘about’ is lovely. my son will be majoring in film editing/business in the fall – he is my first baby going away to college. I hope you do not mind, but i believe i would like to hang out at your site for blogs to come:) Kimberly:)

    1. Oh, well I’m sorry to hear about your nose, but how lovely that it brought you here! Please stop in whenever you like.
      My baby has just finished his first year at college, but has chosen a place close to home, so I don’t miss him yet….
      Be well, Kat

  13. Katalina, it’s very nice to meet you and your blog. Thank you for dropping by my blogs and for the follows. I’m looking forward to discovering your blog. I’ve only had the chance to read one of your posts thus far (besides your About page) and your photos are amazing. Can’t wait to see more.


    1. Hello Victoria! Your blogs look fascinating – I’m always interested in stuff about the human mind and psychology in all its different manifestations. Thanks so much for the follow, the comment, the kind words.
      Yours, Katalina

  14. Kat,

    Your blog looks like exactly the stuff that fascinates me and pulls me in, like a moth to light! We have some interests in common, probably even life events too. Looking forward to perusing your stuff! Thank you for stopping by my blog! Best wishes and experiences into the aether! 😉

    1. Hi Professor! Yes, wonderful to make your acquaintance. Not even sure how I made it over to your blog – following a series of blog awards and blog rolls and wandering out in the dark of the interwebs I found you… 🙂

      1. You are right! We do share a name. 🙂
        Did you know it is a Greek name? It is based on the Greek word “kathar”, meaning purity. Since there are no “c’s” in Greek, WE spell the name correctly! 😀

  15. Katalina, thank you for choosing to follow Wine and Cheese (Doodles). Your collages are delicious, and I admire your dedication to following your intuition. We should all listen to our hearts more. I look forward to exploring more of you inner workings ;-).

  16. Kat, thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I’m about to explore your posts in more depth… can’t wait. I’m a fellow Wood Dragon… so you know how that goes!! All the best to you, Michele

    1. Ah! We are kindred! No wonder I am so drawn to your blog, your photos, your artwork…and as someone in the film industry I am curious about your career there too.

  17. Enjoyed your writing and your photos ~ They evoked a visceral response in me and that is an important thing when there is just so much to see that everything can’t possibly make you feel. Grand job. Shalom to you fellow traveler. Andora

  18. Have loved you photos and site for some time. But never realized you were a Red Electric Serpent! This may change things! I may become even be more attracted to your outstanding work!!!

    1. I was just thinking I must reread the blurb on the Red Electric Serpent – there is an insight in that system I have not come across elsewhere.
      And what sign are you, Eddie? 🙂

  19. Hi Katalina – thank you so much for following our adventures in sailing and photography. Really appreciate your life interest! Love your ability to express your creativity in different ways. Chris

    1. Thank you, Brenda. I’ve been following you for ages, and always assumed Meditative Journey with Saldage was a Portuguese man. Yet here you are 🙂

  20. Kata, I’m totally going out on a limb here, because of how much I love your words and images! So maybe this is selfish :). But it’s also a most sincere invitation — would you be interested in doing one of my writing groups this spring? If you are, you can contact me through my website. And either way: Just thank you. I love this space.

    1. Wow Jena, you just made my day. Seriously. I love your writing so am just delighted by your kind words. I would definitely be interested in your writing workshops! I’m trying to put some focus on the visual work these days, but let me get in touch with you and see what a writing workshop might entail…??? Many thanks Jena.

  21. It was very kind of you to follow my blog Just wanted to say thanks and it is actually a milestone as your follow was #1000 which is so cool. I’ll have to look around your blog but in the meantime thanks again 🙂

    1. 1000 ! Congrats! Well your photos looked fabulous, and I am always thrilled to see more great photos in my feed, so the pleasure is mine… 🙂

  22. I love your blog tagline “Follow your knows it always knows” 🙂 I am sure it’s in communications with our inner voice.
    Have a nice day.

    1. Thanks so much, Erika, really appreciate the nomination. You’ve caught me in a super-busy stretch, so I’ll just have to thanks for now…
      🙂 Ka

      1. Don’t worry about that. I wanted to show my appreciation and also hope that you get some more followers. Whenever you might feel like it, you can participate anyway. ❤

  23. Hi Kat, Realizing that you may very well be too busy to delve into this I would still like to extend this invitation. We’re embarking on new territory and we’re personally inviting several of our fellow bloggers to join us. At your leisure, go to http://wp.me/p5AbPX-aJ and read our latest post. It will tell you, in detail, exactly what we’re doing. Consider joining us and sharing the idea with your followers. Have a happy day!

    1. Thanks so much, Jennifer – lovely gesture, and I had a look at your post, and it seems like a very fun award.
      Right now I’ve got a bit too much on my plate to reciprocate, but thanks again for thinking of me… 🙂

  24. Well, I’m getting more into your blog. The final hours of the Buddha are so well-written. The colors of the flowers so brilliant, and I almost became a cat lover looking at the picture without sneezing. You may remember from your time in Spain that “blanco” is the color for white. This makes it easy to remember the color that is know to be the absence of one. “Blank” “Blanche” -nothing there- no color! Light up your day! Enjoy! Luka

  25. I have been on your blog for all of two minutes and I already know I love it.
    You have such a profound way of seeing the world, a way I aspire to be, just not there yet…
    I am so happy I found you and look forward to following you on your journey.
    Kind Regards!

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